Student Holiday Potluck

CLU Kitchen

Our PMP students will be voting on a main dish recipe which they will shop, prepare and serve.  Upper School students are also asked to bring main dishes and Lower/Middle school families will be asked to bring sides or desserts should they wish to contribute.  Please refer to the On the Horizon and classroom specific […]

CLU Garden Planting Party

CLU Garden

To quickly get the edible seedlings selected for our winter planting in the ground, we're coordinating a "planting party" on Saturday, December 27th, starting at 10:30 a.m.  Students and their families are welcome. Please email the CLU PTO at if you'd like to join the fun!

Torrance Farmer’s Market (PMP)

Torrance Certified Farmer's Market

These outings will be used for our PMP students to practice consumer skills.

Parental Discretion