Art At Your Fingertips “Flip Out” (Lower School)

  This AAYF project will introduce students to the history and art of traditional animation created by artist/inventors Eadweard James Muybridge and Walt Disney. Students will learn how animation is created and about the art and illusion of movement when they create their own hand drawn flipbook.

Art At Your Fingertips “Flip Out” (Middle School)

This project will introduce students to the history and art of traditional animation created by artist/inventors Eadweard James Muybridge and Walt Disney. Students will learn how animation is created and about the art and illusion of movement when they create their own hand drawn flipbook.

Art At Your Fingertips “Flip Out” (Upper School & Personal Milestones)

This project will introduce students to the history and art of traditional animation created by artist/inventors Eadweard James Muybridge and Walt Disney. Students will learn how animation is created and about the art and illusion of movement when they create their own hand drawn flipbook.