Library Field Trip (Lower School Only)
Lower school students and staff will be taking a field trip to a local library and will visit a nearby park afterwards. Please remember to send students with their library card and a lunch from home!
Lower school students and staff will be taking a field trip to a local library and will visit a nearby park afterwards. Please remember to send students with their library card and a lunch from home!
Please provide your student with the appropriate funds to cover their cost of our Friday outing.
Parents, if your student will be participating in this year's Student Talent Show, please be sure to submit a signed participation form to Leah Paul by this date.
Lower School students and staff will head to a local PV trail for some outdoor fun and exercise.
Parents, Order forms and payment for the 2014 -2015 CLU Yearbook are due today! Please contact Rosie Chavez with any questions. If you are purchasing a dedication ad in the yearbook, please be sure to submit your design to Sabrina Meza as well. Thanks! Ericka
Please email Mr. Darryl Coit by this date if you'd like to attend the Personal Milestones Career Exploration tour of Robinson Helicopter Company on Thursday, May 28th
Parents, if your student will be participating in the Torrance Beach field trips on June 2nd and 4th, please be sure to submit a signed participation form to your student's teacher by this date.
Please share this early pick-up time with caregivers or drivers for their awareness.