Interested in starting a therapeutic, educational journey at CLU? Start the Admissions Process* using the following information.
Step 1 (encouraged): Take a tour
We would love to meet with you, give you a personal tour of our campus, and discuss our full-time Educational Programs so that you may learn more about us prior to submitting a formal application. Please complete the Application Form or contact the director to set-up a tour.
Step 2: Apply to CLU
Request a copy of our New Application Packet. Once completed, this packet can be returned to us either in person, by mail, or by email to After this packet has been returned to us, we will schedule an Admissions Interview with you and your student.
Step 3: Attend Admissions Interview
Upon review of your New Application Packet, we will contact you to arrange an Admissions Interview. During this 60 minute meeting, The Center staff will meet with you to discuss your student’s individual needs and gather additional information. After the Admissions Interview, our clinical and educational team members make a collective decision regarding whether a trial admission is appropriate.
*Students are presented to the team for consideration twice a month.
Step 4: Complete 30-day trial period
If our team decides that a trial admission is appropriate, your student will be invited to attend CLU and complete the 30-day trial period to ensure that The Center is a good match.
During this 30-day trial period, our staff completes observations and assessments of your student in the following areas:
- Learning style
- Interests/strengths
- Academic skill proficiencies in reading, writing, math
- Relationship skills
- Graphomotor/Keyboarding skills
- Peer group compatibility
- Executive Functioning
At the conclusion of this period, The Center holds a meeting (i.e., 30-day IEP review for district funded students and 30-day progress meeting for privately funded students) to discuss progress, present levels, services and goals for your student.
Step 5: Confirm mutual fit
If The Center proves to be a good match for your student at the end of the trial period, and you agree with formally enrolling your student in our school, our staff will outline goals and directions for your student in academic and behavioral/socio-emotional areas. A determination will also be made with regard to the need for assistive technology skill development.
* Please note that this step-by-step admissions process applies to our Educational Programs. For more information or to apply to our other programs please complete our online Application form or contact us at (310) 997-1900, extension 105.