CLU Spirit Week (Super Hero Day)

A monthly, fun-filled week with daily opportunities for all students to show their CLU spirit!  More details will be distributed to parents via the On the Horizon communications.

Art At Your Fingertips for PMP Students (Starry SoCal)

Art At Your Fingertips (AAYF) is the Palos Verdes Art Center’s visual arts outreach program which brings standards-based education to local schools and aims to help participants feel comfortable using art as a means of expression.  Five AAYF projects will be interspersed through out the 2014 – 2015 school year. Each project will be completed […]

CLU Spirit Week (Spirit Wear Day)

A monthly, fun-filled week with daily opportunities for all students to show their CLU spirit! For this day, students are encouraged to break out their green CLU Spirit Wear shirts!  

PMP Student Lunch Outing

To be selected by students

Please provide $12 - $15 to cover the cost of your student’s meal as well as $3 to cover the cost of bus fare, or ensure that your student brings their bus pass.

$15 – $18

PMP Student Lunch Outing


Please provide $12 – $15 to cover the cost of your student’s meal as well as $3 to cover the cost of bus fare, or ensure that your student brings their bus pass.

CLU Spirit Wear Orders Due

Please click here to access the  CLU Spritiwear order form.  For more information about t-shirt sizes and colors, please click here for adult and click here for youth information. Please drop off completed order forms and payment in the in the lobby by Wednesday, March 4th. We will be in touch once shirts are available for […]